Office spaces are changing faster than ever before, and it’s not just about the furniture or the decor anymore. The workplace of tomorrow will be more flexible, innovative, and designed to make us ...
We are thrilled to be back for our 4th Annual Boxerween office costume contest. Invite your employees to get creative and have a...
Looking for a fun and socially distanced employee event? Invite your employees to Boxerween social media contest and have a...
As companies become more sensitive to coronavirus, taking precautions to keep employees safe from the spread of infection is...
While October is Breast Cancer Awareness Month, November is focused on Men’s Health awareness — specifically...
As you may know, October is Breast Cancer Awareness month, which aims to bring attention to the importance of regular breast...
Looking for a fun employee event? Invite your employees to have a little fun in the office with a costume contest! Remember to...
Boxer Property attributes much of our success in efficiently leasing and managing over 100 commercial properties across the...
This week Boxer Property hosted a Business Expo, in the Sugar Land area, at 12808 W. Airport Blvd. The large open atrium was a...
Boxer sees value in any sized business, from a small fledgling 1-person company to the big 1,000 employee conglomerate, all...
There was some strong competition for the #Boxerween Costume Contest! We have awesome customers and you guys really brought...