4th Annual Boxerween Social Media Contest

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We are thrilled to be back for our 4th Annual Boxerween office costume contest. Invite your employees to get creative and have a little fun in the office! As always, please remember to keep things office appropriate and save the sexy stuff for after hours. Plan a group costume with your team or impress people with your personal designs and creativity. This Halloween season, we’re offering prizes to the winners in four costume categories: Solo, Group, Funniest, and Scariest.

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Contest Categories:

• Solo
• Groups (2-10 people)
• Funniest
• Scariest

How to Enter: 

Post a photo of your office-appropriate costume in your office space on Instagram, Facebook, LinkedIn, or Twitter using the hashtag #boxerween before the deadline of October 29th at 4 pm CST.

Our panel of judges will look at every entry we receive and choose the most worthy winners in each of the four categories. Here are the criteria that our very distinguished judges will be using as they judge each entry: 25% on the execution and creation of the costume. 50% of the points will be for the originality and creativity of the costume. Lastly, 25% of the point value will be given on the ability to incorporate your office environment into your photo. All of your photos must be original and taken during the 2021 Halloween season. Entries must be submitted by 4 PM CST on October 29th, 2021.  Winners will be announced by or before November 5th, 2021.  Winners will be privately messaged via the social media outlet selected and an announcement will be made across all Boxer Property social accounts.

Now it’s time to get your outrageous creativity flowing. We can’t wait to see what you come up with!

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Tips from the Judges: 

• Make sure the photo you’re submitting is a good representation of your entire costume (head to toe) and the photo is a quality photo (e.g. in focus, enough light, costume features are clearly visible, etc.)

• If you are submitting a photo that contains other people or other items in the photo that aren’t part of the contest make sure it’s obvious what the focus of your photo is.

• Don’t forget that the judges are looking to see how you incorporate your Boxer Property office into your photo!

Contest Prizes:

• Solo Costume = $50 Amazon Gift Card
• Group (2-10 people) = In Office Pizza Party (up to a $100 value)
• Funniest = $50 Amazon Gift Card
• Scariest = $50 Amazon Gift Card

Have a Question?

Questions that can’t be answered by reading the above information can be emailed to [email protected]. We will respond as soon as we can. Thank you!

Congratulations to the Boxerween Category Winners!

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