Houston Galleria Commercial Real Estate For Lease

Boxer Property leases and sells many commercial real estate properties every day in the Galleria area of Houston, Texas. In the Houston area, we offer buildings, office space and retail options not only in the Galleria area but as far-reaching as Sugar Land and Clear Lake.

Our currently available commercial real estate properties are listed below. You will find many options throughout the Galleria area as well as in neighboring places, such as Post Oak and the Southwest Freeway. Our knowledgeable leasing representatives are also prepared to assist in a more comprehensive search for the best lease option for you.



Listings In Galleria


Total Square Footage


Featured Galleria Office locations:

713.777.7368 (RENT)

How do I find commercial properties for lease in Galleria ?

We have gathered a great deal of information about all of our Galleria properties including pictures, floor plans, and square footage. Our database of properties is updated as soon as decisions are made. Our on-site agents are available to answer questions and to schedule a visit to any property, usually the same day.

Boxer Property is prepared to meet the needs of both small and large organizations. We lease everything from single room offices to full floor spaces. Our Workstyle executive suites are a great value as they come with free amenities such as Wi-Fi internet, collaborative work areas, and conference rooms.

Commercial Building Floor Plan

Detailed floor plans are available online for all our commercial real estate listings so you can browse numerous options quickly and easily from your computer. This will save you time in touring only the spaces that rise to the top of your list and help you may an informed decision before leasing a commercial space. Our leasing agents can provide additional details such as explaining free amenities. Here is an example of what a commercial property floor plan looks like:



Where do I find commercial property for sale in Energy Corridor ?

Reviewing commercial properties online can be a challenge if information is outdated, especially in terms of availability. The last thing you want to do is set your hopes on a perfect space only to find out that it was just leased to someone else a day earlier. Our records are always up to date because we dynamically update our database with recent transactions. Acquisition lists can be found through news releases on our site and in popular publications.

Our acquisitions team, which includes experienced asset managements and brokers, can provide you all the details and information about buying a commercial building.


Commercial Property for Sale by Owner

Boxer Property owns most buildings in our database, but we are happy to help connect you with third-party sellers as well. We strive to do whatever we can to help you find the best building that meets your business’ needs. We renovate under-performing buildings, help with marketing efforts, and take care of property management. Our asset services are explained in more detail here.

Galleria CRE Market Research Sources

Keeping abreast of news and development is important in this market. Visit our blog to learn about our recently bought and sold buildings at Boxer Property. Here you can find helpful tips and important information for small and growing businesses.

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