Tenant Spotlight: Lights, Camera, Worldfest!

This month’s spotlight features Hunter Todd, award-winning producer/director and CEO of WorldFest Houston, located at 9898 Bissonnet, Suite 650, in Houston, Texas. WorldFest Houston is a non-profit organization that acknowledges talented filmmakers and screenwriters from around the globe.

Read on to learn about how WorldFest Houston started the Houston Film Festival and how Boxer Property assists them at their Houston office space.

filmfest huntertodd

About WorldFest Houston

Founded in 1961 at a Houston office space, WorldFest Houston is a non-profit international film society that is credited with awarding Spielberg, George Lucas, Ang Lee, and the Coen brothers their first prizes.

“Before anybody knew who Spielberg was, I handed him his first statuette,” Todd says.

WorldFest is also home to the Houston International Film Festival, the oldest independent film festival in the world. Created in 1968, this exciting event happens once per year and offers 12 filmmaking and video competitions.

“Our top goal is to always discover the next Spielberg or Ang Lee.”

filmfest huntertodd ang lee

History of the Houston Film Festival

After Todd graduated, he was due to be shipped off to Vietnam. To his surprise, the commanding officer of his temporary duty in Fort Dix, New Jersey, informed him that he had attended Georgia Tech with his father. Instead of sending Todd to Vietnam, he assigned him to Cape Canaveral in the George C. Marshall Space Flight Center in Huntsville, Alabama.

While there, Todd made rocket movies for his entire tour of duty in the military as a project’s officer, working with notable filmmakers such as John Glenn, Shepherd, and the Right Stuff Astronauts at their creative office space.

“Back then, in the mid-1960s, there were no film festivals in the United States for documentaries. When I got out and got settled, I started the festival in 1968 as a festival focusing on shorts, documentaries, features, student films, and experimental films,” Todd says. “We’re the only festival in the world that has 10 categories. We even have a contest for screenplays.”

myriad global media worldfest houston 2015

Experience at 9898 Bissonnet, Suite 650

WorldFest Houston found their Boxer Property Houston office space through a friend’s referral.

“The rest is history,” Todd says. “The Boxer properties here are the nicest and best managed that we’ve had in the last 40 years. The team is always so responsive. The whole management team from the top to the bottom is the best.”

For more information about WorldFest Houston, visit:

Website | Email | Phone: (713) 965-9955 | Facebook | Twitter | Instagram

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