We are excited to invite you to join our Ugly Sweater contest! Get your office team together to show us your favorite ugly sweaters for a chance to win amazing prizes!
Contest Categories:
• Individual
• Team (2-10 people)
• Style
• Funniest
Our panel of judges will look at every entry we receive and choose the most worthy winners in each of the four categories. Here are the criteria that our very distinguished judges will be using as they judge each entry: 25% on the execution and creation of sweaters. 50% of the points will be for originality and creativity. Lastly, 25% of the point value will be given on the ability to incorporate your office environment into your photo. All of your photos must be original and taken during the 2021 Holiday season. Entries must be submitted by 4 PM CST on December 23rd, 2021. Winners will be announced by or before December 29th, 2021. Winners will be privately messaged via the social media outlet selected and an announcement will be made across all Boxer Property social accounts.
Now it’s time to get your outrageous creativity flowing. We can’t wait to see your sweaters!
Results for the Ugly Sweater Contest!
Here are the results for the Ugly Sweater Contest! Although it was still a bit warm to don your Ugly sweaters, we had a few who went all out!
The team in Phoenix made a full Christmas display!
Here are the highlights for the tenants & Boxer employees that participated.
• Law Office of John Nwosu :
Style Winners: $50 Amazon Gift Card

• Trinity Foot Center :
Team Winners: In-Office Pizza Party (up to a $100 value)

• Phoenix Boxer Employee Team :
Funniest Winners: In-Office Pizza Party (up to a $100 value)

Andy Hilditch
Senior Director of Marketing
Andy.Hilditch @BoxerProperty.com