Clear Lake Commercial Real Estate For Lease

Located just 28 miles to the north of Houston, TX, The Woodlands area has many different options for individuals wanting to lease a property for commercial use. You can look through our commercial real estate listings to find a property that will meet your needs and fit within your budget. Just speak to one of our helpful leasing representatives for more information.



Listings In Woodlands


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Featured Woodlands Office locations:

713.777.7368 (RENT)

How do I find commercial properties for lease in The Woodlands ?

We can provide detailed information on all of our office spaces for lease or rent, including photo galleries, floor plans, and much more. Just speak to one of our leasing agents today to schedule a tour.

We have the ability to service businesses of any size. Whether you’re a startup or a large corporation, we can help you find a property that will meet your needs. Our signature executive suites, Workstyle, come with many crucial amenities such as collaborative work areas, conference room usage, free Wi-Fi internet, and more.

Commercial Building Floor Plan

All our properties have detailed floor plans to give you an idea of the general layout before you schedule a tour. We want to help you make an informed decision. Be sure to reach out to us and we will help you move in the right direction.


Where do I find commercial property for sale in The Woodlands ?

Many online resources for commercial real estate are not up-to-date. We make sure our data is always current and synced with recent transactions. This means you don’t have to waste your time on a property that’s no longer on the market.

Many of our acquisition updates can be found in our press releases published on our site and popular publications. Our veteran asset managers and in-house brokers are available to assist commercial real estate owners.


Commercial Property for Sale by Owner

We own many of the commercial buildings in our portfolio and can assist potential buyers by connecting them to 3rd party owned properties. Our goal is to add as much value possible to properties in our portfolio, which includes improvements made through renovations, marketing services, and property management. We also have resources for managing commercial real estate while it’s still on the market, so feel free to speak to us about any of our asset management services.

The Woodlands CRE Market Research Sources

If you want to know more about the market in The Woodlands, there are several online resources available. The Boxer Property blog can help you keep up with the latest developments in the area. Here are a few that can help you in your research:

Wikipedia The Woodlands Economy

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